May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. – Psalm 19:14 NLT
I’m sure you know what it’s like to say something and immediately wish you hadn’t. I used to be proud of my quick wit and fast answers, until one day, the Lord let me hear the hurtful words I said to a friend, which I had excused as “humor.” Thankfully, the Lord graciously showed me how hurtful my words were, leading me to apologize and reconcile with that friend. I’d like to say that was the only time I was unkind or said things I regretted, but the truth is, I am a work in progress, just like everyone else who is saved by grace through faith in Christ.
When I was in high school, my dad gave me a bookmark entitled “The Twelve Tongue Tamers.” It listed scriptures that God used then and still uses today to help me guard my mouth. James 3 is probably the most famous passage about guarding our tongues, but God knows controlling our mouths starts with correcting our hearts. In Luke 6, Jesus tells us that the words from our mouths stem from the condition of our hearts. So, it’s not just about thinking before we speak, which is good, but also allowing our hearts to be open to God’s loving and wise correction. Here are the 12 tongue tamers that I need to be reminded of often.
1. Guard your words. – Proverbs 13:3
2. Wise words bring favor. – Proverbs 29:20
3. Listen before answering. – Proverbs 18:13
4. Account for every idle word. – Matthew 12:36
5. Speak words that build up. – Ephesians 4:29
6. Speak righteously at the right time. – Proverbs 15:23
7. Guarded mouths bring peace. – Proverbs 21:23
8. Gentle words bring life. – Proverbs 15:1,4
9. Silence and slowness of speech displays wisdom. – Proverbs 17:28
10. Gossip brings destruction. – Proverbs 18:8
11. Merciful words show we belong to God. – 1 Peter 2:10
12. Self-controlled words bring forth fruitfulness. – James 1:26
So, how do you apply these verses to your daily life? First, we must pray daily for God’s help in this area because we cannot do it alone, and God doesn’t intend for us to. Secondly, seek accountability from mature Christian friends or leaders in your church. Third, learning and memorizing these verses provides the strength to replace our words with God’s perfect words and standards. Finally, the most challenging part is learning to pause before speaking and refusing to react impulsively to our emotions. This struggle against the flesh is vital for disciplining the heart, mind, and mouth. God will help you with this, too, as you bring your need for renewal before Him each day. Confess your sins as needed, but continue to come to Him. He helped me learn to pause and consider my words, and He will do the same for you as you humbly seek Him.
Dig Deeper
1. Practice pausing before speaking, especially in moments of heightened emotion, to avoid saying things you might regret.
2. Regularly confess any sinful words or unkindness to God and seek His forgiveness and guidance.
3. Meditate on Psalm 19:14 regularly, asking God to align the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart with His will.